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Privacy Policy

At INOVAGAIA we respect your privacy and thank you for the trust you place in us. In this Privacy Policy we explain who we are, for what purposes we may use your data, how we treat it, who we share it with, how long we keep it, as well as the ways to contact us and exercise your rights.

1. Responsible for processing your data

INOVAGAIA is the entity responsible for processing your data. We take seriously the importance of the privacy of the data we process and therefore appoint a Data Protection Officer.

2. How to contact the person responsible for the treatment

You can contact us through:
• email address: or,
• by registered letter to our headquarters address: INOVAGAIA – Avenida Manuel Violas, 476 – 4410-136 São Félix da Marinha
Information we collect about you
ENTITY only collects and processes personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and others, when they are directly provided by you or collected by the fundraising methods in use at the institution.

3. Why do we need your information?

A. Relevant purposes for all entities that have a relationship with INOVAGAIA
We use your personal data to:
• Execute and fulfill the pre-contractual and contractual obligations that we assume with you;
• Communicate and manage our contractual relationship with you, and may be contacted for administrative and/or operational reasons;
• Evaluate and improve your experience, being able to be contacted to carry out Satisfaction Questionnaires about our services;
• Inform you about the benefits that we are protocoling and developing to serve you better, and you may be contacted by our services in this regard;
• Inform about products and services from third parties, if you have consented to receive them.
B. Relevant purposes for INOVAGAIA workers
Human resource Management
It includes data processing necessary for the conclusion, fulfillment and termination of an employment contract, management of working time, absences and holidays, processing of salaries and other benefits, promotions and career development, training, assessment, representation expenses and communication with workers, exercise of disciplinary power and the relationship with the Tax Administration, Social Security and the Working Conditions Authority, third parties related to the provision of contracted services, insurance entities and payment management and processing entities.
Internal and business management
It includes activities such as project planning, recording working times, managing company assets, providing centralized services to increase the efficiency of operations, carrying out audits and investigations, implementing management controls, using internal databases, file management, insurance, prevention, preparation and conflict management.
Safety, Hygiene and Health at work
It includes activities related to safety, hygiene and health at work, the protection of workers and company assets, worker authentication and access management.
Analysis and Management
It includes activities such as satisfaction questionnaires, management of spin-offs and mergers and the processing of worker data for reporting and analysis purposes.
Compliance with legal obligations
It includes the processing of personal data strictly necessary to fulfill its legal obligations, such as the disclosure of data following court orders, collaboration with regulators and the defense of the association's legitimate interests.
Protection of vital interests
The processing of personal data to protect the vital interests of workers.

4. Who we may share your personal data with

Your personal data, for the purposes of executing our contract with you as well as to ensure due follow-up to your requests and guarantee the best possible assistance, may also be shared with our suppliers, partners or service providers, provided that INOVAGAIA guarantees that such entities are also equipped with technical and organizational measures to guarantee the total protection of your personal data and that they will only process your data to fully fulfill the purposes inherent to the execution of the contract.
Under applicable law, INOVAGAIA is obliged to disclose data to the Tax Administration, Social Security, the Working Conditions Authority and, following court orders, to the judicial authorities.
INOVAGAIA will at no time share your personal data with other entities without your express and explicit consent.
INOVAGAIA undertakes to use information relating to your personal data solely for the purposes described above.
It includes activities such as project planning, recording working times, managing company assets, providing centralized services to increase the efficiency of operations, carrying out audits and investigations, implementing management controls, using internal databases, file management, insurance, prevention, preparation and conflict management.
Safety, Hygiene and Health at work
It includes activities related to safety, hygiene and health at work, the protection of workers and company assets, worker authentication and access management.
Analysis and Management
It includes activities such as satisfaction questionnaires, management of spin-offs and mergers and the processing of worker data for reporting and analysis purposes.
Compliance with legal obligations
It includes the processing of personal data strictly necessary to fulfill its legal obligations, such as the disclosure of data following court orders, collaboration with regulators and the defense of the association's legitimate interests.
Protection of vital interests
The processing of personal data to protect the vital interests of workers.

5. How we keep your data secure

We have implemented, and continue to implement, appropriate technical and organizational security measures to ensure the protection of your personal data in order to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access to them. .

6. How long do we keep your data

Based on the principle of minimization and data necessity, we will retain your personal data only for the minimum period strictly necessary and proportional to the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, except for the obligation of conservation to comply with legal obligations, committing ourselves to proceed to its deletion as soon as it is determined that such data is no longer necessary.
Once the maximum retention period has been reached, your personal data will be securely destroyed.
For purposes related to Marketing communications, your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of 24 months from the collection of your consent and provided that, within this period, you have not withdrawn your consent.

7. Your rights

Subject to certain conditions and safeguards, and in relation to personal data in our possession, you have the right to:
• access, rectify and delete;
• limit treatment;
• oppose the treatment;
• request portability.
To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer, using the following contact:
Your requests will be treated with special care, so that we can ensure the effectiveness of your rights.
You may be asked to prove your identity to ensure that personal data is only shared with the holder.
You should bear in mind that in certain cases, under applicable law, your request may not be immediately or fully satisfied. In any case, you will be informed of the measures taken in this regard, within a period of one month from the moment the request is made.
In order to ensure that the data we hold about you remains up to date, we would appreciate it if you, in the event of any changes, notify us using the contact methods mentioned above, so that we can proceed accordingly.

8. How can you complain

If you are not satisfied with the way in which your personal data is being processed by INOVAGAIA, we would appreciate your contacting us using the contact methods mentioned above.
If you remain dissatisfied, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority:

9. What are cookies and why we use them

“Cookies” are small software tags stored on your computer or smartphone through the browser, retaining only information related to browsing, not including, as such, your personal data.
The INOVAGAIA website uses cookies to improve users' performance and browsing experience, increasing response speed and efficiency and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

10. Questions and comments

All questions, comments and requests regarding privacy and your personal data must be submitted using the contact forms mentioned above.
INOVAGAIA reserves the right, at any time, to make readjustments or changes to its Privacy Policy, always in strict compliance with the Law.
Any update to this privacy policy will always be available at
Last updated: May 2018 – v1